Отображение графиков оптимизировано для быстрой загрузки и сохранения заряда батареи до 25% дольше.

Отзывы 2024

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Отзывы клиентов

2023-11-07 15:37:12
I will be willing to give this 5 star in the future, however there are a couple of issues.
Firstly I’d like to point out the good points. Amazing concept, great for beginner and experienced traders. Love the idea of copy trades and earning achievements whilst the individual develops their strategy and edge. Additionally I love the concept of OTC trading options, think it’s a fantastic way to trade.
However, the support one gets via PO TRADEs is incredible slow and sometimes complex, if it wasn’t for the General Chats section with moderators then traders would be left clueless. Thank you to all the moderators and fellow traders out there.
Additionally, I feel PO TRADEs can be quick to deposit your funds but incredible slow to receiving profits, or any help from Support during the withdrawal process.
Other payment gateways would add more flexibility to the platform which I hope they consider in the future. Once these issues have been addressed then it is a definite 5 stars from me.
Will T
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2023-11-07 08:03:49
The best binary trading platform ... very easy to use ...
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2023-11-06 17:17:20
Best place to trade binary options
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2023-11-06 17:13:48
New to trading but love this interface the best out of all the other platforms ive tried. Wish me luck!
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2023-11-06 05:42:02
this app are best of beanery trade
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2023-11-06 00:19:28
The possibilities to change your life here financially is limitless, here ther world of possibilites emplores the reality every single day of the week.
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2023-11-05 19:40:07
Choose the pocket option once and trade with peace of mind forever. The best in the world
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2023-11-05 18:16:34
Fast deposit and fast withdrawal
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2023-11-05 11:28:45
I received my first withdrawal in less than 24 hours. Best trading platform ever!!
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2023-11-05 05:16:03
Plataforma incrível
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